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My Books

"Books serve to show a man that
those original thoughts of his aren't
very new after all"

Please Find some good books here, It may prove beneficial 4 U, due to space constraints, I could not upload all the books, If you need more books, just drop a mail to me and I will try my best to send you that book...

I will add more books there, mean while please visit my blog:


Kernighan Ritchie The C Programming Language

C++ Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt

The C++ Programming Language Special 3rd Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup

Thinking in C++ vol 1 by Bruce Eckel

Thinking in C++ vol 2 by Bruce Eckel

Effcient C++ Programming Techniques by Dov Bulka, David Mayhew

C FAQs by Steve Summit

beej guide to network programming

Teach Yourself SQL in 21 days

Teach Yourself SQL in 10 days

Also Due to space constraint, I could not upload some other useful books, please drop a mail to me(get my mail ID in 'Contact Me' page) and don't forget to sign in my GUEST BOOK. For some books I am giving name and more other books are available:


Windows Sockets Network Programming
Thinking In JAVA by Bruce Eckel
Mcgraw Hill Data Structures Demystified
Teach Yourself Unix In 10 Minutes 2nd edition
C Tutorial
C++ Book
Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick.pdf
Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming - MS Press - Jeffrey Richter.pdf
Applying Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML An Annotated e-Commerce Example - Doug Rosenberg-Kendall Scott .chm
C & C++ Programming Style Guidlines - Fred Richards.pdf
C Plus Plus By Dissection - Ira Pohl.pdf
Computer Networks 4th Ed - Andrew S. Tanenbaum.chm
Data and Computer Communications, 5th Edition - William Stallings.pdf
Data And Databases Concepts In Practice - Joe Celkos.pdf
Developing User Interfaces for MS Windows.CHM
Donald Knuth - The Art Of Computer Science.PDf
Extreme Programming Explained - Kent Beck.pdf
Extreme Programming Explored - William Wake.pdf
Home Networking For Dummies.pdf
Introduction To Distributed Systems - Andrew Tanenbaum.pdf
Introduction to Networking.pdf
J for C Programmers - Henry Rich.pdf
Java 2d Graphics - Jonathan Knudsen.pdf
Java and XML 2nd Edition - Brett McLaugblin.pdf
Java Programming with Oracle JDBC - GiantDino.pdf
Java Web Services - David Chappell - Tyler Jewell.pdf
Mac OS X.pdf
Managing Software Requirements - Dean Leffingwell Don Widrig.chm
Modern Operating Systems Second Edition - Andrew Tanenbaum.pdf
MS Press - Developing Windows-Based Applications with Visual.chm
Norton Internet Security.PDF
Object Technology - Taylor-David.chm
Physics for Game Developers - David M. Bourg.pdf
Planning Extreme Programming - Kent Beck-Martin Fowler.pdf
Programming Microsoft Windows with C#.pdf
Refactoring Improving the Design of Existing Code - Fowler-Beck-Brant-Opdyke-Roberts.chm
Running Linux 4th Edition - Matt Welsh - Matthias Kalle Dalhelmer - Terry Dawson - Lar Kaufman.pdf
Sams - ASP.NET Tips, Tricks And Code.pdf
Sams - Java - Teach Yourself j2Ee In 21 Days.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself Borland JBuilder 2 In 21 Days.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself C++ In 21 Days.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself Crystal Reports 9 in 24 Hours.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself Delphi 4 In 21 Days.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself Illustrator 7 in 24 hours.pdf
SAMS - Teach Yourself Java In 21 Days.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself Linux In 24 Hours.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself Microsoft Access 2000 in 24 Hours.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself MicroSoft Office FrontPage 2003 In 24 Hours.chm
Sams - Teach Yourself MySQL in 21 Days.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself PHP MySQL and Apache.chm
Sams - Teach Yourself PHP4 in 24 Hours.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself Samba In 24 Hours.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself Unix in 24 Hours.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 days.pdf
Sams - Teach Yourself Visual Studio .Net 2003 In 21 Days.chm
SAMS - Teach Yourself XML in 21 days.pdf
Sams - Teach_yourself_linux_in_24_hours.pdf
Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 6 In 21 Days - Professional Reference Edition.pdf
Software Craftsmanship The New Imperative - Pete McBreen.chm
Solaris - TCPIP Network Administration.pdf
Solaris Internals, Core Kernel Components - Jim Mauro and Richard McDougall .pdf
Teach Yourself Borland C++ Builder in 21 Days.pdf
Teach Yourself CGI Programming With PERL 5.zip
Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 days.pdf
Teach Yourself Flash MX Action Script In 24 Hours.chm
Teach Yourself Flash MX Action Script In 24 Hours.pdf
Teach Yourself Java In 21 Days.pdf
Teach Yourself Javascript in 1 week.zip
Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days (different book).pdf
Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days.pdf
Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days.zip
Teach Yourself Perl 5 in 21 Days.pdf
Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days.pdf
Teach Yourself TCP-IP in 14 Days 2nd Edition.pdf
Teach Yourself Visual C++ .NET in 24 Hours.chm
The Unified Modeling Language User Guide - Booch-Rumbaugh-Jacobson.chm
The Windows 2000 Device Driver Book, 2nd Edition - Baker & Lozano.chm
UML Distilled Second Edition. A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language - Fowler-Scott.chm
UML for Database Design - Naiburg-Maksimchuk.chm
Understanding The Linux Kernel - Daniel Bovet - Marco Cesati.pdf
UNIX Backup and Recovery - W. Curtis Preston.pdf
UNIX Network Programming Volume 1, 2nd Edition - Richard Stevens.pdf
VB & VBA in a Nutshell The Language - Paul Lomax.pdf
Web servies Essentials - Etban Cerami.pdf
Windows XP Bible - Alan Simpson.pdf


Electronics - The Electrical Engineering Handbook.pdf
Engineering - Teach Yourself Electricity And Electronics.pdf
Teach Yourself Electronics - 06 - Parallel Circuits.pdf
Teach Yourself Electronics - 20 - Power Supplies.pdf


A Mathematical Theory Of Communication - C. E. Shannon - 1957(ebook).pdf
A Problem Course In Mathematical Logic.pdf
Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics - A. Khuri 2003 (Wiley).pdf
Advanced Number Theory - Harvey Cohn.pdf
Advanced Number Theory.pdf
Algorithms and Complexity.pdf
An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers.pdf
Concrete Mathematics - Graham-Knuth-Patashnik.pdf
Discrete Math in Computer Science.pdf
Discrete Mathematics.pdf
Foundations Of Calculus.pdf
Mathematical Economics And Finance.pdf
Puzzles from around the world.pdf
Teach Yourself Trigonometry.pdf
Tom M Apostol - Calculus vol. 1.pdf
Tom M Apostol - Calculus vol. 2.pdf


Art And Discipline Of Strategic Leadership - Summary.pdf
Complete Handbook of Nature Cures.pdf
EasySteps to Yoga.pdf
Introductory Astronomy, Cosmology.pdf
Mechanical Engineering Handbook.pdf
The Complete Idiots Guide to Learning French on Your Own.pdf
The 7 Habits of Highly Eff People - Stephen Covey
How To Make Money In Stocks
The Da Vinci Code


A Short Course in Digital Photography.pdf
Adobe Photoshop Cs - Tutorial - Diigital Photography Workflow Handbook.pdf
Adobe Photoshop Teach Yourself 14 Days.zip
Digital Photo Repair Using Photoshop.pdf
How To Do Everything With Your Digital Camera.pdf
McGraw Hill - Shoot Like a Pro! Digital Photography Techniques.pdf
O'Reilly Digital Photography Pocket Guide.pdf
Oreilly - Digital Photography Hacks.chm
Teach Yourself Photoshop in 14 Days.pdf

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
                                                                                                          Eleanor Roosevelt